Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Norm Chronicles: Day 2

Norm has officially warmed up to his new mama and daddy. I got up this morning, and he was playfully entertaining himself in his crate. I walked over to it, and his little tail immediately started wagging full force. Step 1: acceptance, complete!

I have learned some things about Norm in the short time that we've had him. He's pretty good about his potty breaks. As soon as he wakes up, we got out. So major accidents have been averted. Except for a green rug we have in the living room. Apparently, Norm mistakes this for the outside. But it's only happened once, so we are happy.

He loves to run outside and play. Mind you, he still doesn't have the full grasp of his 'sea legs.' So, he'll start running and then will trip over, and give up, and decide to nap where he falls.

He has learned where his water and food is. He will run (stumble) straight to it, gulp down some water, finish a bowl of food, and head immediately into his crate for a nap. He's an avid biter and player. We'll give him his stuffed buddy Doug that squeaks and he'll roll around with Doug, try to carry Doug, and then fall over.

Norm loves to be held. If he's sleepy, you can pick him up and hold him to your chest and he'll rest his head, but leave his eyes open. And if he doesn't want to be held, he'll let you know! He'll start wiggling out of your arms.

The only reason I'm able to type this now is because Tay ran out to pick up some large breed puppy food and some breakfast. And Norm is napping.

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