Friday, May 25, 2012

Norm is Home!

I had a dream last night that we got a puppy. I got up this morning, and it wasn't a dream. Norm is finally here. He's got a lot of personality and loves to eat, sleep, and play. On our three hour journey home last night, he slept. He slept good. When we got home, we immediately took him out to do some business. Business done. Norm rewarded with praise and a treat.

Once it was bed time, we put Norm in the crate next to the bed and that was all she wrote. He already loves his crate and doesn't complain one bit. We finally went to bed about midnight, and Norm slept until 6:30 this morning. YES!

I got up this morning and immediately took him out. After that, he got a little something to eat and drink and then I put him in the bed with Tay. He loved on Tay and then scooted to the middle of the bed and passed out. He's still little, but somehow, still knows how to move two humans out of the bed!

When Norm eats, he likes to tip his bowl over and eat off the floor. I don't really care, as long as he eats. My first mastiff, Dudley, flipped his bowl over while eating till the day he died :(
Must be something in the mastiff blood!

Passed out in his crate. We left the door open for a bit to let him know that we were there and that if he needed to get out, he could. His blue stuffed animal, Doug (I do not like this cone of shame), smells like his mama and daddy. When we picked up Norm, I made sure that mama and daddy played with Doug, so their scent would be all over it and comfort him. It worked! He loves Doug. 

Tay and Norm loving each other on our fluffy comforter. Then Norm peed on it :)
Oh well, no big deal. I'm off to wash said comforter. 

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