Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today is a Big Day

Today is the day we get to bring our Norm home. He's about 7 weeks old. I think it's still too early for him to come home, but we have a four-day, let the puppy potty training commence!

Tay is in Indianola this morning. He's been there for the past couple of days, getting some mama and daddy time. He'll drive back to Memphis, put our Wah-Sings (YUM) in the fridge, and then drive to West Memphis, AR to get me, and then, we'll make the two and a half hour drive to get our baby.

Oh, happy day. I have been waiting and waiting for this day. For about 6 years, I've dreamt about getting our own puppy and now the time has come!

I spent last night watching Real Housewives of Some County/State and built Norm's kennel. I packed the car with puppy toys, treats, collar and leashes, and a water bowl.

And I didn't sleep. I kept having mama-puppy fears. Is that what it's like being a parent? Constantly worrying? Jeez, if so, we'll continue to push the real baby talk further and further away.

For now, I am content. We get Norm. Our long awaited puppy is finally coming home. Our lives will never be the same. And we couldn't be happier.

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