Sunday, May 27, 2012

Norm A.K.A. Stormin' Norman

Stormin' Norman Skelton is his nickname. He's a storm. He wreaks havoc around every corner of the house; and can turn your clean house into a disaster area in 2.5 seconds. I love having a clean house, but I love having a dog more, so that clean house thing may have to be sacrificed.

Norm loves his daddy. And loves to play with his daddy in the yard, as long as he's in the shade of course. When he goes out, he WILL NOT, repeat, WILL NOT go to the bathroom, unless he's in the shade. Yep, he's proving to be a high maintenance pup already!

He's slowly learning how to give sugars. The best time for sugar is immediately after he wakes up from his nap. Any other time, he's a biting fool :)

 He's obsessed with the dining room table. He'll walk over to his food and water, and crash directly under the dining room table. Fine by us. Happy puppy is all we want. If he prefers to nap under the table, so be it.

When he sleeps in his crate, he sleeps good. Great even. Last night was the first night that he walked into the crate by himself and passed out. Good boy Norm!

He's already eviscerated Doug. I had to remove Doug's stuffing and his squeaker from his tummy so Norm wouldn't swallow them. Could you imagine?  Every time Norm took a breath, he would squeak?! Doug is still his favorite toy, guts or no guts.

Norm had his first visitors today. My mama and grandmother made the three hour drive to meet ole boy. My grandmother sat in the recliner, constantly eye-balling Norm. But, she did say, "well, he's mighty cute." Step 1 grandmother, step 1.

My mama on the other hand antagonized Norm to no end. Waking him from his naps, "forcing" him to play. He enjoyed it either way. Ever since they left, Norm has been napping. In his crate, no, under the dining room table, as I sit on the floor next to him and type this. 

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