Saturday, April 5, 2014

My Two Year Old Mastiff

 So this big heaping lazy boy who is my best beastly friend is turning 2 next week!
Happy birthday big Norman!!
The above photo summarizes his daily life. No joke. You seriously woudn't believe how lazy of a boy we have. He plays for about 5 minutes in the morning and about 10 in the evenings. And the rest of his time is spent like this. 

Yes, we try to engage him, butwith his attention span and general lethargy, it's a difficult task to master.

 When the weather cooperates, we try to get out with Norman. The only thing about our area parks are that there are leash laws, but we are the only one's who obey them. There are always numerous little dogs, not on leashes who continuously antagonize Norman. And then the owners get a bit miffed when he barks or snaps .... I just politely smile and say, "Leash."

And when we are both home and Norman is tired, this is a common thing. He will cuddle in any way, shape, or form. He loves to cuddle. And sometimes, he's decently good at it - until he farts in your face :(

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