Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Helping People Feel Comfortable at Photo Sessions

Through my over 4 years of photography business and general blog perusing, I've come to the conclusion that most families hate having their photo taken...Shocker, right? Mama is stressed about what to wear and how the kids are behaving; all while daddy is dreaming of a cold one in his hand and football on the TV (Yes, I know not ALL families are like this, but if you are from the South, it's a pretty good general assumption).

1.  As a photographer, you normally meet your client the day of the session - talk about stressful!
To break the ice, I will ask them questions such as what they did that day, where they might go after pictures, or what fun activities the family has done recently. The more they start talking, the more relaxed they become. It also helps me get to know them better, and I’m no longer crazy stranger camera lady. I'm honestly thinking of having a T-shirt made: crazy camera lady.

2.  Compliment their appearance and behaviors:  Most moms are stressed about what to wear, so it’s nice to let them know they did a good job of getting everyone all ready, and it looks great.  Comment on the colors, hair, even the kids fabulous behavior. These words of affirmation helps them feel more confident which is then depicted in pictures the images. Even saying, “Great smile” as you are shooting, benefits, as they feel more at ease.

3.   Help them get posed: Often times, subjects aren’t sure about hand and foot placement, so I like to give guidance regularly. I’ll point to the ground where I want them to stand, and even move their hands with my hands. Get hands on! I’ll often tell them to put their thumbs in their pockets, as it looks more natural than by their side. I always tell my clients - I'm sorry, but I'm a toucher and I will  touch you and move you! I'm slightly bossy when, but I'm polite about it :)

4.   Small Preview. I love to show clients little snippets of the session during the session, it gives them an extra boost of confidence and excitement. Who doesn’t love a sneak peek? They can see themselves in real time and see how great it looks, and how pretty the light is, and that boost in confidence makes the session so much easier! Seeing those happy grins helps me  have fun, too.

5.   Don’t forget the Candids: Most families sign up for family pictures because they have the perfect posed shot in a vision in their head. I like to take a bunch of candid images because, I think people love candid images more than they realize. I’ve got an arsenal of candid code words I’ll shout out to to help with those action shots. Also, having an assistant behind me dangling candy totally helps too!

I know it's not much, but these little tips should help! When clients are relaxed, it shows in their photos, and everyone wants relaxed photos!

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