Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My Go-To Shot List for Weddings

Every wedding is different. Every wedding photographer is different. But the "must have shots" never change. Sure, the rings are different, the shoes are different, and shooting from different angles is encouraged, but my "go-to shot" list pretty much stays the same. And it's all stored in that scary place; known as my head.

If there is a certain shot that you want/need/saw on Pinterest, I guarantee that I will try my best to get that shot for you. I am a people pleaser after all, to an extent.

So, without further adieu, my "Go-To Shot" List.

1.  Bride having her hair styled and makeup applied - if time allows, of course.
2.  Just the dress.
3.  Shoes, jewelry; something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
4.  The bouquets.
5.  Candids of bridesmaids
6.  Putting on the dress
7.  Mama helping with a last minute detail; the dress or veil or shoes.
8.  The bride alone, in her dress.
9.  Bride with parents and siblings
10. Bride with bridesmaids
11.  Groom with parents and siblings
12.  Groom with groomsmen
13.  Exterior shots of the venue before guests arrive
14.  Close-up of groom’s expression while waiting for the bride
15.  Bride walking down the aisle
16.  Bride and groom at the altar
17.  Pulled back shot of venue with guests filling the seats.
18.   Close-up of the bride and groom’s hands as they exchange rings.
19.   Close-up of the bride and groom as they recite their vows.
20.   The kiss!
21.   Close-up of the newlyweds immediately after the ceremony.
22.  Bride with mother
23.  Bride with father.
24.  Bride with both parents.
25.  Groom with mother.
26.  Groom with father.
27.  Groom with both parents.
28.   Bride & groom with her family.
29.   Bride & groom with his family.
30.  The entire wedding party.
31.  The newly blended immediate family.
32.  Bride and groom with bridesmaids.
33.  Bride and groom with groomsmen.
34.  Interior and exterior shots of reception venue.
35.  Place-cards, menus, decorations in general.
36.  The cakes.
37.  The food.
38.  The drinks. The bar.
39.  First dance.
40.  Bride and father dancing.
41.  Groom dancing with his mother.
42.  DANCING!!!!
43.  Bride and groom cutting the cake.
44.  Bouquet toss. 
45.  Garter toss.
46.  The big leave.

As a disclaimer let me state, this list is in no way an absolute complete list. It's merely a jumping off point. The number of photos I take on a given wedding day vary, but I take well over 500; which means that my couples normally receive an average of 250 photos. Again, that number varies, based on the number of hours I am there shooting.

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