Friday, March 28, 2014

Mally Jane {Delta Newborn Photography}

Photographing newborns is a funny business. When you want them to be asleep, they are wide awake, and when you want them to be awake, they can't keep their little eyes open.

I knew that photographing little Mally Jane would be different, since she's considered an 'oldborn.' Most photographers try to shoot newborns in the first two weeks of life, but sometimes that she isn't feasible. I knew that she would be awake and alert and boy was she!

Her big blue eyes were wide open, taking everything in, and I was more than happy to document it.

Isn't she a precious doll?

For the most part, photographing newborns normally happens in the home, that way it's easier on mama and baby. And sometimes, the challenge that we face as photographers is finding the light and how to get setup in an unfamiliar place. That's why I always bring my aresenal of props - you never know what you will need!

 Here's a little pull back from my set up. And the window was directly behind me. The silver to the right is a reflector, which directly more light onto the sweet little girl. And therefore, made my job much easier!

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