Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Marlboro Man Sammies Tater Style

If you don't know who the Pioneer Woman is, I feel sorry for you. Her recipes are amazing. And simple to cook. And taste divine. And last night, Tater decided to make some Pioneer Woman food. OK well Marlboro Man food a.k.a the Pioneer Woman's husband.

Tater examining the recipe box.
Cube steak. The recipe calls for 2 pounds. Whoops!

First things first, cut the meat into strips against the grain.
Salt and pepper to taste; which for us means a lot.

Norman wanted to help, but decided to be a dead dog instead.

I can tell Norm, "Dead Dog," and he'll drop and do this!

Heat 4 tablespoons of butter in a large skillet over high heat.

As soon as it's melted (but before it burns) brown strips. About 1 1/2 minutes per side.

When the meat is brown, take out and set on a plate and set aside.

Reduce the heat to medium-high. And add....

One whole onion and 3 minced garlic cloves.

Once the onions are garlic are cooked, remove to a separate plate and melt two more tablespoons of butter into the skillet. Add Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce, as much or as little as you like. Once reduced, throw everything back into the pot and cook for about 5 minutes!

While the meat is finishing up, lather a pancake pan with butter.

Throw some buns on the high heat and toast the bread.

And combine for a delicious meal.
You can also add mushrooms and peppers and any other veggies that you like, but we haven't gone grocery shopping since we are moving and didn't have the all the necessities!

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