Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Work was fun today!

My day job involves working behind a desk at a community college as an advisor and counselor. But today, was different. Big different. Since I'm a counselor and my job is to 'counsel' students, it's also my job to see that they find employment. It just so happens that there is a facility in Arkansas called T1G. You should look it up. It is amazing. This facility is looking for students to work in their garage. They destroy tons of cars daily. Maybe not destroy, but they put cars through Hell. Literal Hell. These vehicles that our students would be repairing need at least 2 sets of tires A DAY! And new brakes every day! Can you imagine?

This facility is a training/testing facility for the military.
I call it "Area 51 of Arkansas."

Today, a group of us went to tour the facility. We got lost. We found our way, we think. We are on a narrow gravel road driving slowly when all of a sudden, a black Dodge Charger pulls out from a soybean field and starts tailing us. Then blue lights us.

Thankfully, he knew that we had an appointment and didn't shoot!

There are various gun ranges on site, driving courses, off-road courses and everything you imagine a semi-secret military base would be. It was amazing.

Before we toured the facility, we had to sign a waiver stating that if we were shot by a stray bullet we couldn't sue. All right, I'll sign it! After the paperwork was signed, our group of 8 loaded up onto a school bus, elementary style and were given the grand tour. As the tour comes to and end, a driving instructor asks if we would like to take a ride with him? With helmets of course.

I said yes.
I said hell yes.

Granted, these videos are not the greatest, but still. It was amazing. It was the cheapest thrill ride I've ever been on and possibly the funnest.

If you want to know what 130 mph feels like, watch!

Or how about hydroplaning?

Practicing J-turns?

I told the instructor I wanted to learn how to do a j-turn. He politely stated, "it's easy, just turn the wheel." Negative ghost rider, it's not that simple. I have tried.

Either way, enjoy the videos from a fun-filled work day.
I asked if we could blow s*#t up?
I was told, maybe next time :(

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