Friday, June 1, 2012

A Shelf Just for Norm

I've realized that having a new puppy is worse than having a baby. A new baby won't poop all over your house, but neither does Norm, we watch the little booger like a hawk.

Norm needed his own space for all of his stuff. Not his 'home' but a place to put his treats when he does business outside.

So, Hobby Lobby here I come!
I bought this little shelf and used a coupon, oh yes.
Once I got home, I got out the Scrabble game, and my camera.

Cut to about ten minutes later, and Norm has a shelf for his stuff.

And of course, there is a picture of my first Mastiff, Dudley, on the shelf. Even though he is long gone, he's the whole reason I fell in love with Mastiffs and in turn, my sweet Norms.

Normally, Norm sleeps in our bedroom in his crate, but it's a chore to drag it back out the living room the next morning. So, Tay, resident in house genius, decided we keep Norm in the living room, in his crate, and buy a baby monitor. Genius, Tay, genius.

I do not like this runner, mama, I do not like it.
I just chew on it, ok?

 Norm thinks he's a human, and loves to nap on the couch.

 I'm watching you, I'm always watching you.

 And the only time I'm not watching you, is when I'm asleep. I love the cool kitchen floor.

 Running towards the camera.

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