Thursday, May 31, 2012


No, not like the Bible.
Revelations from the Skelton household.

Revelation #1: I have (had) a gray hair. Tay and I were out back yesterday afternoon, playing with Norm and Tay keeps staring at me. I, of course, thought what a wonderful, doting husband. Then I changed my tune, "Tay, why are you staring at me? Is there a bug in my hair?!" And of course, the panic ninja attack ensued a.k.a. me jumping and swatting my head like an idiot.
"No, it's not a bug. It's a gray hair."
"Yank it out!"
He then hands me my gray hair. One lone long strand of hair. If this keeps up, I'm going to have hair like Rogue from X-Men. Just one large gray streak.

Revelation #2: Today is the day that Tay has been dreaming of for a long time. He's finally started Nurse Anesthetist School at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Does this mean I can officially become a VOLS basketball fan - too late, I already am.

My hubs applied to three separate schools. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Union University in Jackson, TN, and UT in Memphis. We didn't have a preference, just wanted him to get in and get a quality education. All three of the above schools interviewed Tay. He got in them, but was wait listed. And then the University of Tennessee called. I'm so proud for Tay. Today starts the rest of his life. And our life. He has been working towards this goal since before I met him, but once we met, we both continued on this path. We both know that it's going to be a tough three years. School is rigorous and demanding, and Tay isn't allowed to work. His job for the next three years is getting through, and of course, excelling at school. You can do it Tater!! I even took a pic of him on his first day of school, like such a dork. But I don't care.

Revelation #3: Family is awesome. With me gone from the house and Tay starting school, what to do with sweet Norm? No worries, Taylor's mama, happily drove up last night and is going to babysit for a few days while Tay and I get into a routine of having work/school/Norm/marriage. Thank you Prissy!

Revelation #4: Often times complaining will do you no good. But I think I made a difference. In a post from last week, I mentioned how my fiasco with Burger King and how they were out of 'that whopper meat.' I rode by last night on my way home from work, Burger King was closed for remodeling and also noted was a large sign that stated, 'Will be under new management.'
No I don't know if my letter to Burger King made it, but still, this proves that you can make a difference. Now the problem is, when I want a Whopper (which isn't very often) where am I going to get it? :(

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