Saturday, June 16, 2012

One Busy Satuday

This past Saturday was busy, busy, busy. My day started at 5:00 am. I love the mornings, especially when I can relax and drink my coffee and watch my Norm play outside. That was definitely not the case today. I got up, quickly got dressed, completely forgot about my coffee and started heading South to document an intimate wedding in Jackson, Ms.

Time line of my busy Saturday:
5:00 AM...Wake up.
5:45 AM...Leave the house.
7:15 AM...Stop in Winona, MS for gas and a Mountain Dew.
8:15 AM...Meet Mama in Canton.
9:30 AM...Arrive at Church.

Insert photographing wedding here...........
And sorry, there is not a preview of the pics yet, hoping to have them up soon!

1:00 PM...Leave church, heading to Belzoni to shoot engagement photos.
1:45 PM...Stop in Yazoo and eat Taco Bell.
2:00 PM...Raid Downtown Marketplace and spend the money I earned from above wedding :)
2:20 PM...Leave Downtown Marketplace, back on the road to Belzoni.
3:00 PM...Arrive at Wister Gardens for engagement session.

Insert photographing engagement photos here.....
No preview of engagement photos either, the bride wants to be the first to see them! :)

4:45 PM...Engagement session done. Drive to Indianola.
4:47 PM...Call Taylor. Rub the next step in my time line in his face.
4:50 PM...Call Wah-Sings, order Pepper Steak and sweet tea.
5:15 PM...Pick up Wah-Sings.
5:30 PM...Arrive at in-laws house (no one is home).
5:31 PM...Let the dog out, fix my plate.
7:00 PM...Wall-e arrives home from work.
7:30 PM...Leave Indianola, heading back to Memphis.
8:30 PM...Stop and buy a beer for father-in-law.
9:45 PM...Arrive home.
9:46 PM...Smothered with Norm kisses.


  1. 9:45 1/2. Text mama to let her know you are home safely. :)

  2. Touche. I left that all important step out. So sorry!
