Friday, June 15, 2012

First Vet Trip

Since we got Norm, we have been sheltering his little, er big, butt like crazy. He's not fully vaccinated yet, so we decided better safe than sorry. He's a big nine weeks, and time for more shots!

Norm acted like a big boy. He politely sat on the counter, and let the tech love/check him out. When the vet walked in though, Norm's tail started wagging like crazy. The vet even said, 'I can't wait to watch you grow up big man!' And then Norm proceeded to give the vet sloppy kisses. And then the vet gave him a shot. Norm looked up at him with those sad eyes, ' Hey man, I thought we were friends, why are you poking me?' But all was well, the reconciled :)

After the vet, ole Norms was exhausted. So we let him sleep.
But when he awoke later that night, here's what he did for an hour...

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