Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Craigslist Conundrum

I don't know about you, but Craigslist is becoming my own worst enemy. It's a furniture saving vortex that sucks you right in and never lets go! It's like going to garage sells and flea markets, all from the comfort of your own home, sipping coffee and wearing pajamas. And I guess people can do that at actual garage sells, but not this girl! I know there isn't a dress code, but I think one should definitely look presentable when venturing out in public :)

 Take this vintage dresser. I'm in love. I think its amazing. If and when Tay and I move, we will need a TV stand. I hate modern glass TV stands. Hate, loathe, despise...I'm sure you get it. I find this on Craigslist and promptly email the seller. Number one rule on Craigslist, if you want your items to sell, list you phone number, or please be sure to check your email. I emailed about said dresser at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon. Would you like to know when I got a response? At 8:00 this morning, tell me that other people are interested in it, but I'm more than welcome to come by and look at it. Honey, I would have purchased it yesterday, had you just checked your email!! Arg, Craigslist frustration!!!

And remember, I think it's hideous now. It looks like it's been beaten to death and hung out to dry. But a little love, along with some sand paper and paint, could turn it into a great TV stand for the hubs and I.

Fingers crossed it doesn't fall through.

Here's another gem I found online, but it's a tad bit more expense, and by a tad bit more, I mean $100 more. Gah, no thanks, my Craigslist addiction is OK because I only buy cheap stuff. If I start buying the expensive stuff, the hubs would have a fit, I would get into trouble, and my Craigslist privileges and Pinterst privileges would be revoked. We cannot let that happen!

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