Saturday, June 9, 2012

Not your lazy Saturday

My Saturday started off like most normal Saturdays. Wake up early to crying pup :(
Let said pup out, feed pup, play with pup until he can't play anymore.
How do you know when the pup is sufficiently 'played out?'
When he maneuvers his big ass onto the couch and strikes the pose below.

This is the photo of a worn out pup. The quality of the photo isn't so hot; it was taken with my cell phone. When Norm sees my real camera, he'll run and hide from it; which means that I have to become super stealthy.

Once the pup was passed out and dreaming of chasing rabbits (you know all pups dream of chasing rabbits, right?) Taylor and I decided to do some good.

We cleaned out his side of the closet (mine is impeccable, of course!) and donated all kinds of clothing to Goodwill. After that, I told Tay that we should do more good today; or any day for that matter. So, we opted to go to Lifeblood and donate some much needed blood!

I really hate giving blood, but I'm O Negative; which means that I'm the universal donor i.e. anyone can receive O Negative blood, and it's the right thing to do. It doesn't hurt. It really doesn't. It takes 30 minutes or less, and you leave knowing that you've helped someone.

I don't know what lit a fire under us, but we just decided that we would try to do more good more often. At the end of the day, Tay even asked, 'Is there a soup kitchen around? Let's rack up these karma points!!' We didn't do good to rack up karma points, we did our deeds because it was the right the thing to do; and was pretty easy too.

So, the next time you clean out your closet, instead of throwing clothes away; please donate. If you want to try and make some money off the clothes first, fine. Have a yard sale, take them to Plato's Closet. BUT, if you still have clothes left over, please consider donating!

And give blood when you can, you never know when you may be the one in need of some blood!!

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