Sunday, June 10, 2012

Camera Modes

Do you own a DSLR or a point and shoot?
Regardless of what kind of camera you shoot with, you have various options or modes to shoot in.
When I use a point and shoot, I always used to use Auto. It was the best option, for me, to get the results I desired. After advancing into the world of DSLR's, I learned a whole lot more about cameras and their shooting modes.

Most people buy DSLR's because they think the photos will turn out better. That is not the case. A simple point and shoot can yield some amazing results. A DSLR can also yield great shots, if you know your settings.

I first started and just kept my camera on Auto; slowly trying out the various other shooting options. I'm still learning. I prefer to shoot in Aperture Priority mode; so that I can control the amount of light. I've recently tried my hand at Manual, but boy oh boy is it tough?! The reason I like Aperture Priority? In low light situations, I can control and manipulate the light; as well as my ISO settings.

All a bit confusing right?
I know. You are preaching to the choir.
Every so often, change the dial on your camera and try out a different mode. Change your settings, boost your ISO, decrease/increase your shutter speed. It'll make a difference, and you'll wonder why you haven't been shooting like that all along!

Here's a poll I found online at Digital Photography School

If you want more photo help, hints, and everything in between, check out the Digital Photography School. They are amazing. You will not be disappointed. 

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