Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Equipment

I am in desperate need of some new lenses for my camera. Thus far, I've only been using my kit lens, and its amazing what it can do, when it's used properly. I've started perusing the ole Internet; and my local photography stores, looking for new lenses - used, but new to me.

I simply cannot fathom buying a lens that cost 3 times as much as my Nikon. I think that is where you get into a lot of trouble; overextending yourself, thinking I can purchase these lenses and the photo jobs that come after that will pay for them. I don't think like that. I mean, I do, but I know I can't do it!

Yesterday, I finally broke down and ordered myself two lenses. For approximately $100. Color this girl excited! The first lens I got is a Holga lens. The Holga camera itself is a medium format 120 film toy camera that was invented in Hong Kong in 1981. The Holga is a low cost construction camera with a simple crescent lens that produces great effects that even Photoshop can't mimic i.e.vignetting, blur, light leaks and numerous other distortions.

The camera itself is super cheap, anywhere from $35 to $85 depending on where you shop. And no, you can't buy them at Best Buy. I have been debating for a long time about purchasing a Holga camera. I finally decided yesterday to not purchase the camera itself, but purchase a Holga lens made specifically for Nikon! Oh happy day. The reason I didn't purchase the Holga camera? It's cheap right, I should buy it - I know that is what you are thinking. The camera uses 120 film, which many places cannot and do not develop; ergo, you have to send your film off to be developed. Cost of having film developed + the cost of shipping + the fact that I take thousands of photos = a $60 ish camera is turning into "Gosh I spent too much on that!" So instead I just ordered the lens that can easily attach to my already paid for Nikon.

Some examples from Holga cameras - these photos are not mine, I borrowed them from the Internet.

Yet another issue I have with the Holga camera. I've become extremely dependent on my DSLR; taking a photo and immediately checking the LCD screen to see if my lighting is how I want, composition is correct and all that jazz (now that song is stuck in my head!)

Just a few years ago, I was shooting with a Kodak film camera as well as an old school Minolta film camera. Long story short, the Kodak camera died at the hands of my then pup, Dudley. He literally destroyed a camera :( Trust me, that will never happen again! And the Minolta camera has always given me fits, the shutter release button would work sometimes and not others; after shooting an entire roll of film, the camera would destroy it. So I shelved it, and it looks great on my bookcase, and started my adventure into digital. I really miss the days of shooting an entire roll of time; and then waiting for it to be developed. By that time, I had forgotten what I had taken photos of! But now, I'm an instant gratification girl. Thank you technology.

I also ordered a Nikon AF 50mm F/1.8D lens; which I am super stoked about. Once the lenses come in  and I start shooting with them, I'll let you know what I think!

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