Monday, May 28, 2012

Peaches for me, peaches for you

Thursday, on our way to Conway to pick up Norm, we passed two separate establishments with the name Peaches. One was a tomato stand. No joke. Their sign read, "Stop at Peaches. Get homegrown tomatoes". Confusing, yes. The other Peaches we passed was....a gentleman's club. Yep.

Passing two Peaches' in one day got me thinking. Man, I sure could go for some peach cobbler.

The all important cast of characters for the easiest peach cobbler ever:

- 1 stick butter
- 3/4 cup self rising flour
- Dash of salt
- 2 cups sugar
- 2 cups sliced peaches
- 2 teaspoons baking power
- 3/4 cup milk

And I know, I know. I cheated. I used store bought peaches. Either way, peaches are peaches. And I haven't a clue where to get fresh peaches in Southaven, but I know that my local Kroger always has them in stock!

Step 1: Melt the butter in the dish you wish to bake the cobbler in.

Step 2: Drain your peaches. I like peaches. I don't like all the juice :(

Step 3: Mix the peaches with 1 cup of the sugar.

In a separate bowl, mix together the remaining cup of sugar, flour, baking powder, salt and milk.

 Pour the sugar, flour, baking powder mixture over the melted butter.
DO NOT STIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 And this is what it will look like. A busted ostrich egg maybe?
Even though you may be tempted, do not stir. It's self rising and the crust will rise to the top, I promise. Would I ever steer you wrong? Not intentionally, of course.

Place the peaches on top.
 Bake for one hour at 350*.

 One hour later, and this is the result. A quick and easy peach cobbler.

It's better with homemade vanilla ice cream on top.

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