Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Past Couple of Weekends

Have been busy, to say the least. First of all, we flew to Atlanta (FREE air miles) and celebrated Jess' birthday weekend.

We played Putt-Putt and made weird faces at each other :)

We had a Star Wars battle - like we always do when we play Putt-Putt. Even made the ever-important sound effects.

And as per usual, Tay won. And I came in dead last. I've gotten used to this. Tay wins at everything in our relationship. Except trivia, I've still got that one in the bag.

Well, for some reason this pic jumped in the blog order! It's from the next weekend. BUT, we went canoeing and Drew and Liz came!

And flash back to Atlanta - we played paintball, our first time. We didn't think to get a before pic. But this is the after. We are all pointing out our war wounds. I apologize for the bad hair. It was 90 degrees, and I wore long pants and a long sleeve shirt; to protect myself.

Back to the river. There was inappropriate touching between men :)

Drew on the first day - mugging for the camera. And playing in 58 degree water.

And the next day, Drew fell out of the boat. We never flipped! I attribute that to all the weight we had in the raft. 5 adults plus 6 coolers. That is how you spell a good time :)

Tay and I jumped out of the raft and decided to play in the rapids. We parked the raft no biggie. And I enforced the life-jackets. I know we look like jackasses, but better safe than sorry right?

Hop you enjoyed reading about our trips! The next big adventure is coming this weekend. We are heading to Conway, AR to pick up Norm! He's officially coming home on Thursday afternoon!!

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