Monday, May 21, 2012

The King of Burgers

I don't know about you, but I love cheeseburgers. Love them. Well yesterday, I wanted one, but didn't have the 'fixins' to make one myself. I, like most Americans, opted for the drive thru.

In our town, Burger King is not too far from the house, but traffic on Goodman Road is always a nightmare; unless it's midnight. So I trek the 20 minutes to Burger King. Wait patiently (I, of course, mean silently judging the people in front of me for ordering various things off the menu - no pickles, extra bun, light mayo) for 10 minutes in the drive thru line.

Finally, my turn has arrived. I will have a Whopper in my fingertips within no time. Pull up and politely order two Number 1 Combos. Before I can utter, "add cheese please" I am rudely interrupted. "We ain't gots none of that Whopper meat."
Me - "This is Burger King, correct. Home of the Whopper?"
"Uh, yeah, why?

I decided not to answer. I can be very rude in situations like these. They make no sense to me. How can Burger King run out of 'Whopper Meat?" It's not even that that totally upset me. I think I was more upset in the fact that I was treated like I had ruined her day, by coming to the drive thru and ordering food. Yes, we all have our bad days, but try not to take that out on us innocent bystanders.

Burger King, I'm upset with you, but that doesn't mean that our relationship is over. I'll give you another'll just be a while before that happens. 

God, I wanted to devour this. So, so bad.

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