Sunday, May 20, 2012

Helpful Hints Part 2

In an earlier post, I threw out some helpful hints for you on your family photos. If you decide to NOT heed my warnings, you could end up with results like these.

 We all do a little something to our hair before photos, but remember folks, it's always best to err on the side of natural, instead of a teased mess of bangs - take it from the girl who has bangs :)

 Once again, outfits should coordinate; not completely clash. I'm sure they thought, "I'm wearing plaid." "Oh, me too!" "It's going to look great in photos."

Would someone like to retract that statement?

There are no words for this. Well, maybe there are, but my educated brain cannot wrap around it. Is that a grown man dressed as a unicorn? I like unicorns as much as the next person, but dressing like one and then paying for the photo...somebody needs a psych eval!!
Remember, be yourself in photos!

 Props in photos always make things more visually interesting. Except in this case. This is what I like to call, prop overload. Little Timmy loves Boy Scouts, sister Brenda loves dancing, Wayne likes to fish, and Mom, well she's Mom. Cohesive. Theme. Things in a photo should flow. Much like a paper for your English class; though I'm a little less judgmental on your grammatical errors.

 Photos should definitely show case your interest, especially Senior Photos, but it should not, I repeat, SHOULD NOT look like you murdered a box a crayolas on a stark white wall. That is what I like to call a, No-No. A big no-no. The biggest of all. Not to mention the pants. I will not even go there.

Smiling is important in photos, but her sweet smile cannot fix the 'There's Something About Mary' hairdo happening above. Product in your hair is great, it helps tame those fly aways, quell the frizz, but this is, once again, unacceptable. Though, she is a child, Mom and Dad, I blame you. 

Looks almost like a Voorhies family reunion. Now which one is little Jason, again?

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