Sunday, May 20, 2012

Helpful Hints for Photo Sessions Part 1

For today's post, I've scoured the world of Pinterest and all over the Internet. Which basically means, I did not take any of these photos, just happily stumbled upon them online. You can find all those photos and many more great family shots right here:

Showcasing your family's personality is a must in photos. If you are a laid back family, dress that way. Wouldn't you hate to look back at your photos and think, "What was I thinking? I never wear my hair like that or a skirt like that." Be yourself and dress like you normally do. You want your photos to reflect your personality. The above photo is a fine example. You can see they are dressed nice, but with the ties loosened, it adds a completely different feel to the photo. 

Oh layers. What a wonderful thing for photos. Granted, with the Mississippi heat, wearing layers is not an option this time of year, but would be perfect in the fall. Layers add a lot of texture to the photo and the great thing is, you can shed a few layers and it looks like a whole new outfit.

Complementing colors, not matchy matchy. For some reason, whenever we sign up to get our photos taken, we all think that we should match. The white shirts on the beach, the black shirts and tan pants on the beach. Granted, those photos look fine, but you don't have to be matchy matchy. Choose colors that complement each other. I love the above photo. Their colors are slightly dark and neutral; which goes beautifully in the field.

Newborn baby smell. Newborn babies, oh yes. The focus of the newborn photo shoot is the newborn. Yes, of course, we want pictures with mama and daddy, but it's all about baby. The best thing for new parents to wear - neutrals. Blacks, whites, tans. Yes, yes, I know that I contradicted myself; but this is the only exception!!

I normally tell clients, especially woman, to stay away from bold patterns. Bold patterns and prints can cause the image to look too busy, and can also be a nightmare in the editing process. But in the above photo, it somehow works. The girls are matching (in bold) while mom and dad chose neutral colors. And let's pause a minute as we take in the awesomeness of mom's shoes!

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