Thursday, May 17, 2012

Arkansas Getaway

Today, after work, the Skelton's have a lot going on. It's Taylor's official last day at St. Francis Hospital. After tonight about 7:30 PM, my hubs has an extended hiatus from work - for about two weeks until he starts school. And we are getting together with some of his fellow nurses to celebrate Tay and his last day! If anybody in the world deserves a break from work (other than Chuck and Marcia), it's my Tater. He only works 3 days a week (full time for a nurse), but he works 12 hour shifts and works weekends. It'll be nice when our weekends will finally mean something and we can spend some time together on the weekend like a normal couple - if his school schedule will even allow it!

INSERT TANGENT ABOUT NURSES HERE: I don't think people realize how hard nursing is. I honestly didn't until I dated and eventually married a nurse. He works 12 hour shifts. He has to clock in by 6:40. Which means leaving the house at 6:05 AM. Which means getting up at 5:30 AM. He cannot clock out till 7:15 PM. Plus a thirty minute drive plus traffic - he doesn't get home till 8:00 PM.
When he's thirsty or has to tee tee, he has to wait. His patients come first. Now I know why his bladder is better on road trips than mine! There have been plenty of days where he'll get home past 8:00 PM, and hasn't eaten anything all day. And they are "required" to take 30 minutes for lunch, their pay is docked, but in all actuality, they never get an actual break. Many people think that nurses don't do the work, that aides do. I can guarantee that Tater does it all. They don't have aides. Tay has to do it all. He comes into contact with things on a daily basis that would make you and I shudder. He takes it in stride (and of course complains when we gets home!) So please, stop judging nurses and say that they have an easy job and make great money. They work for every penny they get. They deserve a whole lot more than what they actually get.


Speaking of enjoying the weekend. Friday, about 9 AM, the hubs and I, along with my twin and his wife, and another group of friends are driving to Northern Arkansas for a weekend of fun.

This will be our humble abode on the river for the next couple of days. I'm excited. No cell service, no responsibilities. Right up my alley. The cars are almost packed, the beer is iced down, and the hot dogs and sausages have been purchased. It will be a weekend of drinking too much, and eating very unhealthy foods, but sometimes, you just have to live, right? I say yes.

Ah. The river.

The only downside of this trip. Since Tay has quit his job for school (UT will NOT allow him to work while in school- yeah, it's that stressful) that means that we are sans insurance. Once he starts school, they will provide him a basic insurance package. I've already set up my insurance as well, but it's effective date isn't until 6/1/12. So the Skelton's must be careful. Must be! So if we get hurt - we just may have to wait until June 1 to address the issue!

Excitement doesn't begin to describe how I feel about this vacation. I've been caneoing before, but this trip is different. My twin brother is coming. Color me excited. Drew and I talk when there's something we need to talk about. We don't just call and chit chat. For the past two weeks, I have talked to him everyday. A text message will come in, "Call me."

I call him. We'll talk about the trip. I'll tell him what to bring, what not to bring.
Cut to the next day, new text message, "You ready for this trip?"
Everyday. And now it's here!

I haven't taken a vacation with my brother since, high school? Yep. Senior trip to Mexico. Ten years ago! And that trip was memorable to say the least. Drew got sick, stayed in my hotel room, and I stayed with him till he felt better.

Let's pray this trip goes smoothly!

Definitely will not be updating from the river....Once we return and unpack and wash all our nasty clothes, I'll happily tell y'all how the trip went. And post pictures.

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