Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day! So don't forget to thank yo mama for all that she does/did do for you over the course of your life. And buy her something. A phone call is nice (and expected) surprise her with a card in the mail or anything. Just don't forget. If you do forget, mama may stop doing all those nice things that you should have thanked her for :)

Unlike most folks, I've got three mama's. My mama from birth. My step-mama, and my mother-in-law. All three are very different, and they all bring something different to the table. So depending upon what question I want to ask, or the expected answer that I want to receive - well, you get the drift. If I'm just calling to chit-chat, my mama, if I need to ask why my peach cobbler didn't turn out, step-mama, if I'm trying to surprise Tay with something, mama-in-law.

I didn't get anything for Mother's Day (obviously) - I'm not a mama. But, my daddy called me. "Happy Mother's Day!"
"No, no, and no". I asked him, "Do you know something I don't?"
"No, but I was counting your dog Norm as your kid."
Wait, what? My daddy, who has an absolute aversion to all things warm and fuzzy, remembered that we were getting a dog. Whoa. And wanted to wish me a Happy Mother's Day for it! Double whoa.

But, Daddy, to answer your question. We still don't have Norm. He officially becomes our baby over Memorial Day weekend. And don't worry, we'll bring him to meet you :)

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