Monday, May 14, 2012

Daily Giggle

Growing up in Mississippi, well your options are limited to say the very least. We aren't a breeding ground for great music, and normally, not that many EPIC acts ever set foot in our state. I've seen concerts in Mississippi, and not a single one was EPIC. The best concert I ever attended was the Eagles, when I was 11 in Little Rock, AR. Let's see, concerts I've attended in Mississippi: N'SYNC, Creed, Incubus, Lynyrd Skynyrd - I feel like there's more, but this old brain of mine is giving me fits

 Oh and don't judge me by my concert experiences. That's just mean. I'm being honest about them. I could have lied.

Now since that is out of the way, enjoy the next few messages.

 Obviously, my family is estactic about Elton John coming to Mississippi. It really is the little things in life. Or the overly dramatic, homosexual, piano playing Brit. Either or.

Tater and I ventured out to Atlanta before he starts to school to visit his sister. And we played paintball. Something we've never done before. Something we were excited and nervous about. You can obviously tell that I was a paintball novice. I think I asked legit questions. 

Mama will text me often asking about movies to watch. I always give her the run down of what we've seen, if it was a worth a damn...yada yada yada. 
 First of all, I know she can't spell. She knows it too. It's just these damn smart phones makes us all so dumb sometimes :)

This one is my favorite :)

Apparently, I'm expected to comment on every single thing that my mama does on Facebook. Oh Lord no. And if I don't, this is the message I get :( 

I think she's ADD. Or ADHD. In a message miles before this one, I told her to be more 'Pacific' instead of specific - just as a joke. Thirty minutes later...She gets the joke. And wants to know if I want a sister? :) Where is your head woman?!

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