Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cajun Chicken Pasta

In my book, Rule number 1 for a happy marriage: cook together. It's fun and messy and stressful...and fun :)
Well yesterday, I got up early, got dressed for work; all while Tay was snoring loudly. When I was about to walk out of the door, I remembered a card that I had bought him. Just a sweet card, that sang Billy Joel!
There is a point, I promise!

When Tay got up, he saw the card. I did something nice and unexpected for him, so he decided to cook me dinner. Whatever I wanted. I wanted steak and taters...but that would involve going to the grocery store...something I desperately try to avoid past 5:00 in the afternoon. So we opted for a chicken recipe that I got off the Pioneer Woman's website. God bless you Ree!!

Here's the link to her recipe:
(You will not be disappointed!!)

So Tay wanted to cook for me. YAY! But I told him I would help, and I think he was appreciative; after chopping two bell peppers, a red onion, and a ton of Roma tomatoes, I was beat. I threw in the towel and let Tay finish the rest. I, of course, supervised :)

The hubs even took pics of me cooking! This is the long chopping process :( I enjoy chopping things up. Seriously. If you need an onion chopped, anything, give me a shout!

I left the cutting of the chicken to Tay. Once the chicken is cubed, throw some Tony's on there. Hell, throw a lot of Tony's on there!

98% of the ingredients: Red Bell Pepper, Green Bell Pepper, Red Onion, Roma Tomatoes, minced garlic, chicken cut into cubes, and wine!

                We started drinking the wine...whoops! Hope we still have what the recipe calls for!

Tater melted a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of olive oil in a hot skillet. And I mean super hot. Once it was melted, the chicken was thrown in...

    Cook chicken cook! You are supposed to cook the chicken for approximately one minute and then
                      flip every piece over want to get a nice little sear going.

Once the chicken is sufficiently cooked, take it all out, but leave the heat on high. Throw in another tablespoon of butter and another tablespoon of olive oil. Then you throw in all your veggies, except for the tomatoes. You want to cook the veggies like you cooked the chicken, short amount of time, high high heat! Once the veggies are tender, throw in the tomatoes for a minute or two. And yes, I know I'm not being exact, ergo why I posted the recipe at the top :)

Once all your veggies are cooked, take them all out and set them on the place with the cooked chicken. You then add chicken broth, the wine (yes, we had just enough left!), and heavy cream. Any recipe that calls for heavy cream, I'm all in!

In theory, that should make a nice thick sauce, but Tater and I were starving, it was about 9:00 PM at this time, and we decided to mix everything together and try it out!

The sauce, veggies, and chicken!


The result.

It was Divine. I mean heavenly. It's a decadent pasta dish that exceeds all other pasta dish expectations. I'm a pasta lover, but this ladies and gentlemen, is the mother of all pasta dishes. I'm in love. It's loaded with carbs and is not healthy, but you know what, you only live once. And if I'm not mistaken, I put some veggies in it's semi healthy, right? And it's spicy. Did I mention that? Spicy pasta deliciousness. YUM!

So earlier I mentioned that we were cooking/eating dinner at 9:00 PM. This is not normal in our house. We aren't Elvis Presley - if you don't know - I guess I'll tell you. The Presley clan, while living at Graceland, had dinner served promptly at 9:00 PM. For me, that's a little too late for dinner. Good Lord, where has the point gone? Look, the point is coming back, I swear. So when I got home from work, Tater and I went to Home Depot - we are on a mission. He needs a large coffee table/desk for school. Some kind fellas that I work with gave me a pallet and we spent from 5:30 to 8:30 at Home Depot getting wood cut, picking out paint colors, and everything in between.

If all goes well and we find some spare time, I'll let you know how the table turns out. We are kinda booked the next couple of weekends before he starts school. For now, go enjoy some delicious pasta!!

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