Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Kiddies

Ok, the cute kids in the picutres are not mine, they are my neice and nephew. They are the closest thing Tay and I have to kids, so we love to get to spend time with them and play with them and spoil them.
My nephew looks identical to his daddy, my twin brother. Identical. And acts like him too.
Drew used to have fits about everything, and I mean everything. Sandling is the same way. He'll pick something up that he's not supposed to have. You politely take it away and quickly throw in a substitute toy, crossing your fingers and simultaneously praying that a fit does not ensue. Yet it does. He'll look at you like you just took away every fiber of his being, plop down on his sweet little butt and start wailing, (all while giving you the stink eye). Cut to 3 seconds later, he's found another toy that is baby approved, thank you Jesus!, what fit? He's a happy baby again.

Sandling and Erica Taylor

It's so hard to get a baby and a 6 year old to cooperate for photos, but this is one of my favorites :)

Look how silly!

My little Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man

Potential Christmas Card

My sweet hubby and Sandling

Drew and his boy

Me and my sweet nephew :)

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