Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Day in the Delta

I went back to the Delta this weekend to take photos and also see my mama cause her birthday's coming up. It was a weekend filled with fun and photos. There are plenty of places in the Delta and surrounding areas to take photos, but I had scheduled sessions with little one's and didn't want to have their poor mama's dragging them all over, so we decided to take the pictures at Wister Gardens.

They all turned out great. It was a pleasant day as well. Not hot (thank God), just one of those perfect days that you don't realized that it's perfect until after it's passed. The cotton had bloomed and made a great backdrop for the pictures. I love cotton pictures. Yes it's overdone, but get over it. I think cotton is a great backdrop. Corn too. Lakes. Anything natural is a good backdrop. Makes things not looked posed, but instead classic.Crops in general. I do not discriminate when it comes to crops. Or when it comes to backdrops.

Trying to get this picture was a feat! Jaxon kept moving, but we finally got it!

I love pictures of shoes, L-O-V-E!

Handsome baby Will

Will and Mama, a great friend of mine!

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