Friday, August 5, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge

AKA, Demp and Crystal were married in July in the Delta outdoors. If you know me, you know that I sweat. I don't mean like oh it's warm out sweat, no no, I mean, you walk outside and the heat literally takes your breath away....that's hot. Just the though of walking outside breaks your heart.

I have to give it to the happy couple though. They were smart. There were fans everywhere producing a nice breeze and bottles of water at every corner. Without those, I probably would have died. Seriously. It was that hot.

Even though it was hot, it was still a beautiful day and in the pictures, you can't tell that it's 120 degrees out! :)

You don't know heat until you leave or visit the Mississippi Delta. Its a completely different kind of heat. I can put up with heat to an extent, but heat mixed with the humidity of the Delta and then mosquitoes on top of that...I'm 98% sure that would be the definition of miserable in Webster's. The heat down here can take your breath away. Walking to the end of the road to check your mail or take out your trash becomes a life threatening ordeal. It's that hot, no joke. Temps climb to well over 105 degrees plus that damned humidity. Oh bless the changing of the seasons, come on fall!!

Off the tangent about the heat. Here are a few pics from their wedding day, enjoy!

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