Monday, August 1, 2011

Deal with the Devil

No, I did not make a deal with the devil, but I made one with my husband; which is still pretty bad. Last year for Christmas I got lots of goodies, but I also got the Matrix trilogy in my Christmas stocking. Gee thanks Tay! I know that it was basically his way of saying, "let's watch these!" Now, I have nothing against the films, I had to watch them in my Philosophy class at Mississippi State and don't really want to watch them again. But, he's been begging, so I may have to give in. We decided on a compromise, I'll watch all three of them with him as long as he'll watch Gone With the Wind with me...It's going to be a long day in the Skelton household :( We have made various 'deals' throughout our marriage (only 2 years in, but still!)I watched all Lord of the Rings thanks to his constant insistence, and I made him watch the Twilight Saga...We both agreed on Harry Potter :) I don't know about you, but in our relationship, we find it fun to make little deals with each other, we both get what we want! If I know that a certain video game is coming out, I'll tell him that he can spend all day Saturday playing, IF he'll go to Target with me, or Barnes and Noble, you get the drift. Tay doesn't get to sleep late often, so when he does, I try not to bug him, but I'm an early riser. If I do get up super early and decide to bug him, I'll always make him breakfast to make up for it. I may not be perfect, but I try to keep my boy happy :)

I definitely felt like saying the above to Tay regarding the Matrix, but instead, I just decided to get even :)

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