Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I grew up on a farm. And now I live in the city. I hate the city. Don't get me wrong, I love the convenience of having the Target and Wal-Mart and everything in between within my grasp, but I hate all the noise: ambulances, trains, planes, and just traffic in general. I hate the fact that I live 11 miles from my work, but it takes me thirty-five minutes to get there. I hate how when trying to merge onto the interstate, the cars in the right lane don't get over and let you in, like they are supposed's the law! I hate when someone cuts you off in traffic, I hate folks who get road rage and take it out on me. I'm sorry 1994 Dodge Caravan that I'm going the speed limit, but there is honestly no need to honk at me or flip me off, it's not going to make me speed up or get out of your way, ask nicely, then I may oblige.

I miss the peace and quite of the country. I miss hearing the frogs and crickets and other critters that also make their homes out in the country. I miss being able to walk outside wearing G0d knows what, and there are no neighbors there to judge you, or bug you before you've had your morning coffee. I miss how when driving in the county, people you don't know wave at you like you are family. I miss how when your car breaks down and you have no cell service, a random stranger stops to help you, and you don't feel the least bit threatened; and of course then you find out that this 'stranger' is actually an old classmate of your daddy's.

Eventually, I want to move back to the country. I want to live on a farm. I want to raise my family on a farm. I want my kids to know how to bait a hook, skin a deer, change a tire, and above all, say yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir and no sir.

I think that in order to achieve said dream, you have to be in certain state of mind. My mind's ready and prepared, but my life isn't. Does that make sense? The husband and I are in limbo right now about the next few years of our lives. We don't know where we will be living, it could be Birmingham, Memphis, Jackson,TN, Chattanooga, or Jonesboro, AR. Or anywhere in between. Since you can't plan life, you can dream.

My dream is to move out west and live on a ranch. Yes, I know nothing about running a ranch, but I am a fast learner! Right now, Wyoming is my dream state. I want to live there and revert back to simpler times. Cutting your own fire wood (that's right, no gas fireplace), growing our own veggies, making trips to town only a few times a month for necessities.

I know it sounds absurd, but take a look at the below photos and tell me you don't want to live there and live my dream, or something similar.

I think Wyoming is Heaven. Or maybe just the next best thing.

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