Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bridal Portraits

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to take some bridal portraits in Port Gibson, MS. First of all, if you have never been to Port Gibson, you must take a trip NOW! Port Gibson is the third oldest city in Mississippi and was founded in 1802. It was delcared "the city too beautiful to burn" by Union General Ulysses S. Grant. My family used to travel down there all the time, so I am familiar with the place and try to go about once a year. And second, I love taking bridal portraits. Love love love it!

I love how the bride gets to do a trial run of her hair and make-up, and get's to prance around in a gorgeous dress. There is no wedding day stress: is it going to rain? Is he going to be on time? Did I get our passports? And so many other last minute questions! The one thing I hate about bridal portraits is that I can't put them up on here! Guess it'll have to wait till after the wedding, darn! Oh I want to so desperately, so I decided to show some pictures from the locations we visited that day.

The ruins of Windsor are about 25 mintues west of Port Gibson, Ms down a windy road where the trees hang over it and are covered in Spanish Moss. There are so signs, no mile markers, no nothing, and if you blink, you will accidentally drive right past it. But thankfully, I can find the ruins in my sleep! All that's left of this grand home are columns, but during the Civil War it was used as an observation post by the Confederate soldiers, since it's so close to the river. After the Civil War, it was used as a Union hospital. Mark Twain even spent some time in this marvelous home! This area is rich in history and culture and you definitely need to plan a trip. If you want some more info, just google the ruins of Windsor. You will be amazed!

The other location we visited for bridal portraits was the First Presbyterian Church in Port Gibson. I call this church, 'the finger of God church' because it has a gold hand on it's steeple pointing directly to heaven. It's an absolutely beautiful church. I have passed it numerous times and never went in. Thanks to the bride's future husband, we were granted entrance into this church and were given free range. The preacher even gave us a bit of a history lesson on the old church. The inside of this place cannot be described. Row after row of old wooden pews, floor to ceiling stained glass takes your breath away. You walk in and are amazed from the start. One interesting fact about the church is that it's adorned with numerous chandeliers that were taken from the famous riverboat, Robert E. Lee. Once again, if you are in need of a history lesson, google.
All in all, a great weekend spent in Port Gibson at some amazing locations, with a beautiful bride to be...come on April 16th, I'm ready to take some wedding shots!!

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