Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby Shower Fun

Babies, babies babies! A good friend of mine is expecting her first child at the end of March. So, of course, some of us girls got together to throw her a baby shower. I have to say, I felt useless at the shower...I just had my camera and kept snapping. I can't help it, my camera is like an extra appendage at this point! You try functioning without your dominant hand, hard right?
I really hate to be cliche, but I had so much fun capturing the looks and the "what's this thing for?" moments of a first time mama. She would dig into a gift bag, pull out the gift, and throw quizzical looks around the room. In unison, the room would say what it was. I know that by the time baby Will makes his debut, his mama and daddy will be well prepared and so happy to finally meet him! Or at least we hope so :) I think the Baby Boot Camp will definitely come in handy.
I'm getting to the age where most, if not all, of my friends have children. I feel like the odd man, er woman, out. I know that I'm in my mid - late twenties (eek) and am married, yet have no children. See, to me that's not odd, but apparently to everyone else in the world it is! I get asked everyday at work, "do y'all want kids?"
"then why don't you have any?"
The reason we don't have any is because, well, we don't. We definitely want children, but just not at this point in our lives. The husband has to continue his educational duties, and it's going to be my job to support him full time while in school. Throwing a child into that would be challenging, but fun!
Everyday other day, my husband and I have the "are we ready for kids talk?" The talk normally ends when one of our attention spans gives out to Apollo 13 on the TV (for the umpteenth time).
We believe that we will be blessed with children with the good Lord decides on it.

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