Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Here recently, it seems that my photography and my blog have taken a backseat. This was definitely not intentional! I blame it on my 8-5 and all the snow we have been getting lately. See, I'm the idiot that when it snows, I drive 25 (if that) with my flashers on and my hands rocking 10 and 2. With that said, the weekends have been taken over by snowfall, which means that I don't get out, which in turn means, no new photos!! :(

No worries though. This past weekend my husband and I traveled to the Delta to visit family (specifically my grandmother who just turned 81) and the weather was beautiful. Thank you God. So I made it a point to get out with my camera and just start snapping.

In all honesty, I feel like an addict. If I don't get out with my camera at least once a week, I go through serious withdrawals. I'll start snapping pictures of towels and my couch and the contents of my fridge. Crazy, I know. Enjoy the few pictures I took this weekend, I promise to put up more when I find the time.

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