Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Animals Galore!

I don't know about you, but I am an avid animal lover. Not one of those creepy "I'm going to keep a jaguar as a pet" kind of animal lover, but just your standard "oh my God puppies" animal lover. I love almost all animals, as long as there is fur and a cute innocent little face staring back up at me. I remember going with my family to pick out a puppy...I couldn't pick just one. I asked my mama if we could take them all. What to do think her answer was? Well, it wasn't a complete no, we ended up getting two puppies that day. Oh what a glorious day that was! Any day that involves a dog is a good day. Granted, my husband and I do not have a pet right now. He works nights, I work days, and the pet deposit plus the retarded "pet fee" every month add up and we decided that its an expense that we cannot afford right now :(

But either way, we love animals, regardless of whether we have pets right now or not.

The weather here lately has been, in a word: miserable. Snow, absolutely freezing temperatures, wind, you name it. But last week, we had a nice break in the weather, so Taylor and I decided to hit up the zoo. Taylor even busted out the shorts, the weather was perfect.

I was having an internal conflict with myself about going to the zoo. I went to the Jackson, MS zoo just a few years back, and it was the most depressing experience ever. The animals looked malnourished and all together on the verge of death. I swore on that day that I would never go back. I only sort of broke that promise to myself, yes, I went to a zoo, but not the Jackson zoo, so I found a loophole in the promise I made to myself.

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them. And if you can't tell, I love giraffes :)

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