Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New Adventures

201o is officially over and 2011 is here. It saddens me that another year has come and gone so quickly, but with that year closing, the future can only bring bright and beautiful things. (I'm an optimist, after all.) 2010 was a great year... I celebrated a wedding anniversary, moved into a new house, made new friends, and got a nephew! All in all, 2010 was a great year, and I am anxious and excited about what 2011 will bring.

Some of the new adventures for 2011 include a new job opportunity. I was offered a position at a law firm in Memphis and was more than willing to accept it. Go me, a big girl job using my various degrees! Now paying off all those student loans won't seem so tedious.

The only qualms I have about this new position is the fact that my dear sweet husband may be moving to Birmingham for school while I stay here :( Now I know what you are thinking...why would I not just follow him? Well, the way the economy is, I'm going to gladly accept this position and support my husband from afar. And plus, he'll only be in Birmingham for 9 months working on his Masters in Anesthesia. So, it's a compromise that I am willing to accept.

On the photography side of things, everything is going great! We are barely into January, and i have shoots lined up as late at November. Wow, that makes me feel great! A couple of weddings, maternity shoots, kids, and everything in between. I do believe that 2011 will be a rocking year!

With a new year comes new promises; which, in my opinion, lead to broken promises. This means that I will not be making any New Year's resolutions. I will make a vow, pledge, anything but a resolution. I'm going to try to be the best wife I can be...I think that will make my husband very happy :)

I'm also going to try and upload a new picture/post at least once a week. That's a little adventurous of me, but hey, the road is paved with good intentions right?

Happy New Year!

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