Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 Tree Fiasco

The 2010 Tree Fiasco started approximately two weeks before Christmas (we were late getting our tree, I know) when my husband and I ventured to a Christmas tree place on the side of the highway. A former member of ZZ Top (beard and all) hopped out of a 1972 dingy Winnebago wearing a flannel t-shirt under orange overalls and toting a chainsaw. (Think Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Deliverance.) Got the picture?
"Y'all here for a tree?"
"Yes sir."
"Well, these is $20, those is $30, and dem all back dere are in between $40 and $50."
Stuttering and scared...."T-t-t-t-thank you."
We walked around debating on what size, color, and plumpness we wanted. We opted for the 10 foot plump one because well, it was 10 feet and fat :) So far so good. ZZ Top even trims the end off so she'll fit in our stand and ties her to the luggage rack of my car. I really hate myself for not getting a picture of that, but why would I need my camera on a ten minute trip to pick up a tree? Hindsight is 20/20. Most definitely.

We get home, untie the tree and notice that we lost some needles on the trip home. No big deal. We start to put her in the stand, more needles fall off. Once again, no big deal. We start putting on the lights, some more needles fall. Ornaments, more needles. Once she was all decorated and looking good, I decided to give her a big ole gulp of water. THAT WAS THE ONLY TIME I WATERED THE TREE! Don't get me wrong, I checked every single day and she was not absorbing any water...oh Lord, this is not going to be pretty. But we pushed our dead tree in the back of our minds and enjoyed the holidays.

New Years Day rolls around...the official day when it's acceptable to take your tree down and throw it on the curve. I would say hilarity ensues, but in all honesty, it was much closer to profanity ensues. It was horrible.

Below are the images from the 2010 Tree Fiasco. I hope this isn't an annual event.

The lamp was knocked off the table and whopsidded :(

As you can see, the damage was not contained to one area, it was an epidemic!

Needles to say, lesson learned. I hope your holiday's were a lot cleaner than ours!!

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