Monday, December 13, 2010

Canon vs. Nikon

Well, which one is it? Which one do you want? Which one can't you live without?

Canon and Nikon are both equally made and have similar features along with comparable prices. Nikon and Canon are two of the biggest manufactures of cameras and will continue to be for years to come. The reason that people debate on which one to get is because they want the camera to do all the work in taking a perfect photo. I hate to be rude or come off as an ass, but in all honesty, it does not matter which camera you have. It's not the camera that makes the shot perfect, it's the photographer. It all depends on the conditions that day and exactly what kind of photographer you are.

When I first started my photography venture, I didn't have any fancy camera or equipment and still don't. My first digital camera was a little Kodak Easyshare and it took great photos, with my help. The main difference between my tiny Kodak Easyshare and the new Canon's and Nikon's is the megapixels and the lag time between photos.

I still have and use my Kodak for simple shooting, but I always have a Nikon nearby. I prefer it over my Kodak because it has an amazing zoom and there is no lag between the photos.

My first Nikon, a Cooplpix P90 was a gift and is as simple as a point and shoot, but with special features. And it cost no where near the price of a Canon Rebel or Nikon D5000. I use my Nikon D3000 for photo shoots and the Coolpix P90 as a backup camera, in case the battery dies or anything like that.

So, if you are in a heated debate with yourself or your friends over which one to get, don't fret, they are so similar they could be twins! No matter which one you decide on, you will have beautiful photos! Just remember to read the manual and keep in mind, its not all about a pricey camera. Its about the end result, a beautiful photo.

Thanks for reading,
E. Skelton

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