Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Came Early!

My husband and I decided to go ahead and exchange gifts since he has to work Christmas Eve :(
That's the life of working in the medical field, your holidays are not your own, they are the hospitals. But, he signs up to work the holidays because we do not have children and other people who work with him have kids, so basically, he takes one for the team...thanks tay! That means we get Christmas early in our house.

Its so funny how when we were kids, we only looked forward to the gifts. Now, I look forward to the time I get to spend with my family, especially my sweet new nephew! And I love buying gifts for other people. My sweet neice and nephew better watch out, they are getting some awesome gifts from their Aunt and Uncle!

Tay and I both know its not about the gifts, but we still exchange them anyway, old habits die hard I guess. He received a plethora of video games and kids toys because, well, my husband is like a big ole kid! I got some great stuff equipment and other knick knacks, but my favorite gift was an entire book of photographs by Ansel Adams. If you don't know by now, I love Ansel Adams and always will. Everytime I go into Barnes and Noble, I immediately go find a book of Ansel's photographs while my husband searches the medical section and fiction. Now I don't have to search for his photo's, I can just pull out my own book!

Thanks hubby for a wonderful Christmas! Once again, Merry Christmas to all!!!!

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