Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

I love that phrase, but which words represent those thousand?


This picture was captured on a whim while spending some time with family over the weekend. My sister-in-law was talking to her three week old baby boy and I jumped at the opportunity to take the photo. When you look at this picture what do you see? I see a loving mother fully devoted to her baby. She is beaming at her little man and he's just sitting there listening intently as she speaks.

Pictures are always better when they are not posed. I think this is the case and point. My sis-in-law hates pictures and when she saw the camera, she freaked! I told her to calm down and just continue what she was doing. All in all, I good photo. One that she will hopefully look back on and treasure when Sandling is a little older.

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