Thursday, July 21, 2016


So today I woke up, and guess what, I'm still pregnant! 40 weeks and 5 days along; officially the longest I've been pregnant. I was induced with Henry at 40 weeks 4 days due to my blood pressure, but this time we are trucking right along!

We had a little impromptu appointment yesterday after Henry got his one year old shots (!!) but everything was looking good. It seems like baby has dropped just a smidge, but I'm still pregnant. I asked when we would be scheduling the induction (assuming we would this week) and my doctor says, "I thought you didn't want to be induced. Right now there is not medical reason, so I'm not scheduling anything." That's right guys, my doctor is AWESOME. I know most doctors induce at 39 weeks for convenience, but mine is abiding by my wishes, so far :)

We have an NST and a biophysical profile scheduled for Friday and if baby is looking okay, we are going to keep on keeping on! If something isn't right, then we will talk more about induction and how we want to induce...this mama wants to avoid Pitocin. It is the devil. Plain and simple. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. It feels like your uterus is being ripped from you body and it doesn't stop and there are no breaks in between Pitcoin contractions. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Y'all keep praying for healthy baby (and mama) and maybe we will have us a baby soon!

And if you're pregnant, take photos of that bump!! You don't have to share them with anyone, but believe it or not, you will miss that bump. I'm so thankful I am able to document my pregnancies and look back on how much I (baby) have grown.

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