Friday, January 3, 2014

New Years!

Every year, people come up with resolutions for the New Year. Last year, I decided to not partake in the whole making a resolution thing. Resolution. One small word. One loaded word; which means, resolving to do something or a course of action determined or decided upon.

I'm still not totally sold on the idea of firm resolutions, yet live more for subtle ideas.

In 2014 I would like to resolve to work smarter, not harder. Two jobs + family + everything in between = copious amounts of stress for me. Stress of will this laundry ever get done? Will rent be paid on time this month? Will the client like love their photos? I am a stressful person. Always have been and I assume I always will be. I'm hoping to learn how to stress less. So what if the clothes are not washed and put up?

Recently, I've learned that a big factor in my stress is my day job. I work as a counselor/adviser at a community college. I know I know, it doesn't seem that stressful, but the endless meetings and to-do lists and conferences away from home and long hours just take a toll on me. Plus the constant student conferences and students constantly needing something from me. My employer offers some amazing benefits, but I would honestly trade those amazing benefits for a less-stressful work environment.

Yesterday was my first day back after two weeks off (one of the perks!)
I told Tay that I felt defeated. All I wanted to do was lay my head in bowl of macaroni and cheese and cry.  And I still feel that way. I will always feel that way about working an office job. It's something that I'm not cut out for. And yeah, I'm a little late realizing that, but as for now, there isn't much I can do...expect to bitch to y'all and the husband about it!

Being confined to 4 walls and a computer screen and a constantly ringing phone and knocking at the door are not things that I enjoy. I enjoy quiet. And coffee. And dogs. And photography. And fluffy comforters. None of which are in my office.

In all honesty, I would love for 2014 to be the year that I make that huge leap of faith and transition to working photography full-time, but it's hard to make that leap. I don't even think that Evil Knievel could make that leap. I am still debating though.

So my semi achievable not calling it a resolution resolution is to work smarter, not harder.
And to play and win the lottery. 

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