Monday, February 11, 2013

Things I love

Since Valentine's Day is on the horizon, I've decided to make a post about the things I love. There are a lot. A whole lot. I'm sure I left some off.
Let's just call this list the starting off list:
The very first DVD I ever owned and my favorite movie.

Mine and Tay's dream home

I love giraffes! And if a giraffe could be a pet...oh just imagine the possibilities!

I'm not ashamed to admit it, I love bourbon. I do. I'm not a wino.
I'll take bourbon any day.

I love big dumb looking dogs, especially mastiffs.

Roller coasters are definitely a love of mine.
I honestly don't know why I like this movie.
Actually I do, but if I told you, immediate judging would begin.
Let's leave it at that.

I love Johnny.
I love his love for his wife.
I love his music.

The best book ever written, hands down.
Definitely on the love list.
Photography and Nikon are on the love list.
 Grammar and punctuation are muy importante!

I love sunflowers!
And of course, I love my husband :)
Even though in this picture, we weren't married, just engaged!

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