Sunday, February 10, 2013

Defiant Teenager

My beloved sweet Norman has officially turned into a teenager; mood swings and all.
If you ignore him, to say, use the bathroom, wash dishes, or just plain walk away from him for more than 10 seconds, we will find something to get into.
It's become a daily occurrence in the Skelton household.
My personal favorite is when it's raining and we can't go for our walk around the neighborhood, fat dog will grab my tennis shoes and follow me around the house; as if to say, "Mama, why aren't we walking today? We walk everyday. I'm getting upset. I will destroy everything if we do not go for a walk!"
I've yet to capture that moment.
But here are the most recent Normcapades.
He loves the bathroom.
And loofahs.
And toothpaste.


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