Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Our Christmas Trip

Now that the holidays are officially over (sob) I thought it was time to post about Christmas trip.
In October of 2012, the hubs and I were thinking of spending the Christmas holidays in Gatlinburg, TN. We ran through some ideas, called our parents, and BAM...Christmas in the Smokies!
That leaves a minor detail, er a very large detail, fat dog Norman.
"We could board him," Tay suggests.
"NEVER," I say vehemently!
"Well, I guess we could just give him some benadryl for the trip and he can tag along."
"Yes! I like idea a whole lot better!"
So, Norman got to experience the mountains with mama and dada.
The first attempt.
I would say this one did not go as planned.
"Norman, look at mama!!"

And bam, Norman looked at Mama, picture snapped.
Let's go!

 And then, dear sweet hubs felt sorry for me.
"We don't have a picture of you and Norman."
"Well, let's remedy that!"
And we did!
But getting him to look at the camera was too much. Apparently, something is happening out of view that is way to interesting for Norman to ignore.

 The only photo of us together on the trip.
I love how we both have on gray...not planned. But, hey, it did fit in with the gray skies!

And then, the family pic.
Some nice stopper-by asked if she could take out picture.
I politely handed her the Nikon, she panicked, I told her I have the settings where I want them; all you have to do is snap.
And voila.
Thanks you random kind stranger!

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