Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Whole New Year

So long 2012.
Hello 2013.

So far it's been a good year...time off from work!! (But that ends tomorrow and I'm super depressed about it. Super.)

The holidays went great for us.
We traveled to Gatlinburg for Christmas, and then came home to enjoy our last few days of freedom before I went back to work (thanks Midsouth for the break!) and Tater went back to school.

I decided to take some 'me' time during the month of December.
It was pleasant.
I purposely booked no photos, so no stressing over getting them edited in time.
I even had time to read books; 4 of them to be exact.

How I long to be a stay at home something?! Stay at home photographer would be great. But, alas, Tater and his ambition :)

Happy New Year!

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