Monday, September 10, 2012

For a Good Cause

Have you ever wanted to do something good for someone else, but don't know where to start?
I get like that a lot.
When  I was in college, Hurricane Katrina battered the Gulf Coast. I took a two week leave from school and volunteered my time and my Spring Break to help in any way I could. I lived in a tent. It was absolutely miserable. But so rewarding at the same time.
After that, I started donating my time more and more. Animal shelters, cleaning closets and giving things to Goodwill. I even donated my hair once.
But then I found out that the company I donated to actually charge cancer stricken individuals $50.00 for a wig. I think that is wrong. Trying to make a profit off of someones sickness.
So my hair got long again.
Really long.
See below.
So I decided to donate it again.
And NOT tell my husband.
He was shocked, but loved it :)
I found a great company that takes your hair, at least 8 inches long.
Well, I had plenty...13 inches worth of hair.
If you have long hair and are thinking of getting it cut, please please please donate.
And here's a great site:
And here's the after.
Me holding all my glorious hair.
Thank God I'm not emotionally attached to my hair.
The sweet lady asked me a thousand times, 'are you sure?'
'Yes ma'am...I've done this before.'

And yes, the picture is hideous. I know this.
Please don't judge.
Thank you.
And go donate your dang hair!

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