Monday, July 9, 2012

The New Abode

Tay and I are almost 30...wait, why did I say that?! Excuse me, we are 28 years old (I'm only two weeks older than the hubs) and we have yet to buy a home. We are renters. And are avid one's at that. And will continue to rent until we build/buy our dream home; which won't be for at least another 3 years :( Darn school and Tay having ambition!

The above pic is our new house. Yep, that's it. And it's a rental. And a great one at that. I know the large tree in the yard hides the house, but it's the photo I found off of the rental site, so deal.

The home has three beds, 2.5 baths, a HUGE fenced in backyard for Norm and a huge bonus space/attic. Not to mention the ginormous living room with a fireplace, and the back porch.

Am I excited? Yes. Actually, hell yes! We've been house hunting since October ish 2011 and now in July 2012, we finally found a house that is in our budget and meets our needs.

Did I mention we are getting roommates? Well, not roommates, but family? Yep, Tay's aunt and her daughter will be moving up here with us. And we greatly appreciate it, without them splitting the rent and bills, there is no way we could afford this, especially since Tay isn't working while in school.

I love this house. Not in a it's my dream home way, but in a it's much better than our current rental way. And it has character and privacy. Our current home is right next to all the other houses in the neighborhood and neighborhood kids keep leaving trash in our yard. I don't mind you playing in my yard, but please, PICK UP YOUR CAPRI SUN!!

Since we have a child moving in with us, we were under the gun to find a house, in order to get her enrolled into school. Which made the decision making process a lot easier! We saw three houses today. And we picked the above one; House #3. Why house #3?

House #1: Iffy area. High rent. And a real estate agent/rental agent who seemed to not care about us. We currently rent with her company, she's showed us numerous houses previously, and yet didn't remember us. And was over 40 minutes late to our appointment. And didn't know any information about the home ie, square footage, lot size, new or old carpet? Nothing. She knew nothing. All she said was hello. We nixed that house based on principle. If you are trying to sell me something, for God's sake, try to sell it! Don't sit in the corner like we are taking up your valuable time. This is a big decision for us.

House #2: Absolutely hideous on the outside. I tried find the picture, no luck :(
It was orange brick, like Garfield orange. And a bay window on the front, I have a huge aversion to that! And it looked like a jungle. The original owner actually planted a jungle in the yard. The inside. AMAZING. A decent size family room, a large master, and an upstairs office for Tay! BUT, the two other bedrooms were incredible small. Like Harry Potter under the stairs small :(

So house #3 it was. Hopefully all goes well, and we'll be moving by the end of the month. Once it's officially ours, you know I will upload pictures. Numerous pictures!

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