Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My iPhone is smarter than me; obviously!

All right readers. I don't know if you heard, but if you didn't, here you go. DirecTv dropped all Viacom channels; MTV, Comedy Central, and a slew of others. The Skelton household is not really affected; but we pay for those channels and now were wondering if our bill would be lower. I politely asked hubby to give DirecTv a call, just to find out.

A conversation ensued, and I tried to spell the word, 'maybe,' but was one letter off.

My "smart" phone decides that no, she's not trying to spell 'maybe,' she's trying to spell Einstein. Really iPhone? Really Steve Jobs (rest in peace you innovative genius)?

Is Einstein used that often in your texting repertoire that your phone auto corrects to it? I've never used Einstein in a text, but apparently, my phone thinks I should. So in turn, my smart phone made a stupid auto correct smarter than any rebuttal I could come up with.

Thanks iPhone.
Thanks Einstein.

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